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Clever research made simple

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About Us

Established 2010
International work
International work biznography
Consumer Biznography
B2b biznography
We work with companies in the UK and around the world to help them make better business decisions. From measuring and understanding how to build positive brand perceptions and communications to exploring customer needs and providing feedback to nurture new ideas.
We ask smart questions, create cost effective research solutions and deliver your way – whether you need raw data, full analysis and consultancy or something in between.
Smart questions biznography


Cara Berry


expert in coordinating complex international projects, B2B audiences and relentless problem solver

Jules Berry


specialist in sophisticated quantitative projects, consumer behaviour change and looks after the numbers

Morvah Stubbings

Director of Qualitative

seasoned C-suite researcher and critical thinker, decodes business
challenges and organisational complexities


A dream team of the best freelance researchers, analysts, experts and industry partners enabling us to bring together the ideal lineup for (almost) any project.

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We love a challenge

And like to think that anything is possible but if we think your brief is beyond us we’ll tell you straight.


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Have a Question ?

Clever research made simple

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